Friday, March 08, 2013

Aperspectival Renown

Translucently lucid membrane, fluid and staying (in)sane, 
stained glass window pane until I make my breathtaking entrance, 
take a breath -
sustainable in trance-like minds, 
I'm thankful for like minds, transmitting insight in-flight, 
it's been night, we're alright, and apparently care 
Children've inherited New Blue Worlds 
and can have the keys to train dragon's lairs 
if they keep all their hairs they lose their heirs,
and we'll lose our errors
The accidents were happy as it so happened, 
and the buttons to irrevocable damage got closer 
and equipped with reverse buttons so we can better guide this ship together in the moment, 
Yes, we're moving, going together, grooving, is it surprising how well we're vibing? 
Cuz we're imbibing knowledge to the Enterprise of X-change, 
and intra-physical awakenings to intra-terrestrial fellow beings of sound 
are renowned and repeated, pleated not depleted 
and it's not so fancy you can't eat it, so be at ease, 
Together we can be pillars of strength 
To those looking up to us not too far above the ankle, 
And maybe we can realize we've only just begun 
To get the hang of this aperspectival thing

Happy Friday to all Beings

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